Making your first integration

Making your first integration

After finishing the Getting Started guide, you are now ready to move on. In this guide, i'll will walk you through the process of creating your first integration.

As an example we'll create an integration with Google, where we'll get the user's tokens.

Set redirect URI and retrieve Client ID and Client Secret

First you'll have to create a new project in the Google Developer Console (opens in a new tab), and create a new OAuth application. If you don't know how to do this, you can follow Google's guide (opens in a new tab).


You'll have to set yourself as a test user in the OAuth consent screen, to be able to test the OAuth flow. Without this, you'll get an error when trying to authenticate.

When you have created the project, you'll have to set the redirect URI to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/integration/google. This insures that the OAuth flow will redirect back to your application.


If you've set a custom base path, you'll have to change the redirect URI to match the new path. Example: http://localhost:3000/something/api/auth/integration/google.

Once you've finished setting up the OAuth application, you'll get a Client ID and Client Secret. You'll have to save these for the next step.

Setup .env variables

After you've gotten the Client ID and Client Secret, you'll have to add them to your .env.local file:


The naming the of the variables is not important. You can name them whatever you want, as long as you use the same names in the next step.


Setting up the provider

Now go the the auth.ts file you created in the Getting Started guide, and add the following code:

import { NextIntegrate } from 'next-integrate';
export const { auth } = NextIntegrate({
  // The URL of the app, e.g., set in the .env file.
  // If you want to modify the redirect URL, to be prefixed with something else,
  // you can do it here like this:
  // base_url: process.env.BASE_URL! + "/some-prefix",
  // This will change the redirect URL to eg.
  base_url: process.env.BASE_URL!,
  providers: [
      provider: 'google',
      client_id: process.env.AUTH_GOOGLE_ID!,
      client_secret: process.env.AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET!,
      integrations: [],

This will add the Google provider to the auth object. The integrations array is empty, but we'll add the integrations in the next step.

Adding an integration

Now we'll add the integrations to the auth object. We'll add an integration, we´ll give it a name, and set some scopes that we want to get from the user. The options are different for each provider, so you'll have to check the provider's documentation to see what options are available (see Google's options (opens in a new tab)).

import { NextIntegrate } from 'next-integrate';
export const { auth } = NextIntegrate({
  // The URL of the app, e.g., set in the .env file.
  // If you want to modify the redirect URL, to be prefixed with something else,
  // you can do it here like this:
  // base_url: process.env.BASE_URL! + "/some-prefix",
  // This will change the redirect URL to eg.
  base_url: process.env.BASE_URL!,
  providers: [
      provider: 'google',
      client_id: process.env.AUTH_GOOGLE_ID!,
      client_secret: process.env.AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET!,
      integrations: [
          name: 'user_info',
          options: {
            scope: 'openid',
          callback: async (data) => {
            // This is where you can save the data to a database, or do something else with it.

Using the callback() function

After the user has authenticated, the callback() function will be called. This is where you can save the data to a database, set a cookie, or do something else with the data.

import { NextIntegrate } from 'next-integrate';
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
export const { auth } = NextIntegrate({
  // The URL of the app, e.g., set in the .env file.
  // If you want to modify the redirect URL, to be prefixed with something else,
  // you can do it here like this:
  // base_url: process.env.BASE_URL! + "/some-prefix",
  // This will change the redirect URL to eg.
  base_url: process.env.BASE_URL!,
  providers: [
      provider: 'google',
      client_id: process.env.AUTH_GOOGLE_ID!,
      client_secret: process.env.AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET!,
      integrations: [
          name: 'user_info',
          options: {
            scope: 'openid',
          callback: async (data) => {
            cookies().set('session', JSON.stringify(data));

Make an integration button

Now you can make a button that will trigger the OAuth flow. You can use the <Integrate /> component to do this (you can find the component in the Getting Started guide).

The provider prop is the name of the provider you want to integrate with, and the name prop is the name of integration you want the button to trigger, in this case the name will be user_info.


You can also use the redirect props to redirect the user to a specific URL after completing the OAuth flow.

import Integrate from '@/components/integrate';
export default function Home() {
  return (
      <Integrate provider="google" name="user_info">
        Get Google User Info

Boom you're done!

If you've followed all the steps, you should now have a working integration with Google. This is just the beginning, and you can now start to build your own integrations with the most popular OAuth providers.

You can test out the OAuth flow below, and see the user data that is returned (your data is only being stored in a cookie and are not being sent anywhere else).

Google LogoGoogle OAuth