Getting started

Getting Started

Initialize a new Next.js application

If you're starting a new project, start by creating a new Next.js application.

npx create-next-app@latest

Install Next Integrate

To get started you'll have to install Next Integrate with your prefered package manager.

npm i next-integrate

Create enviromental variable

Next you'll have to make a new .env.local file and set a BASE_URL variable, this is used to ensure the OAuth flows will redirect to the correct url.


The BASE_URL variable need to be changed to your production URL, when you've deployed your application.



Create configuration file

Next create a new file in the root of your project called auth.ts. and copy paste the following code:

import { NextIntegrate } from 'next-integrate';
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
export const { auth } = NextIntegrate({
  // The URL of the app, e.g., set in the .env file.
  // If you want to modify the redirect URL, to be prefixed with something else,
  // you can do it here like this:
  // base_url: process.env.BASE_URL! + "/some-prefix",
  // This will change the redirect URL to eg.
  base_url: process.env.BASE_URL!,
  providers: [],

Setup route handler

Next you'll to setup a route handler, that'll handle all the necessary redirect and requests for the libary to work. Please create a new route.ts file at this location app/api/auth/[...integration]/route.ts, and copy paste the file below.

Note: even though the app directory is specfic the the App router, it'll still work in the Pages router.


If you need to configure a custom base path like this:

Please refer to this guide

You should end up with a folder structure like this:

          • route.ts
  • route.ts
    import { auth } from '@/auth';
    import { clearCookies, exchange, handler, NextRequest } from 'next-integrate';
    import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
    import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
    // BASE_URL is the URL of the app, e.g., set in the .env file
    const BASE_URL = process.env.BASE_URL;
    export async function GET(
      req: NextRequest,
      context: { params: { integration: string[] } },
    ) {
      const cookieStore = cookies();
      // This function generates the auth URL
      const { auth_url, callback, error, options, redirect } = await handler({
      if (error) NextResponse.redirect(new URL(`?error${error}`, BASE_URL));
      const auth_error = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get('error');
      if (auth_error) {
        clearCookies({ cookieStore });
        return NextResponse.redirect(
          new URL(`${redirect}?error=${auth_error}`, BASE_URL),
      const code = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get('code');
      // If there is no code, redirect to the auth URL
      if (!code) return NextResponse.redirect(auth_url);
      // This function exchanges the code for the tokens,
      // You can handle the tokens in the callback function in the auth.ts file,
      // or here in the route handler like this:
      //const tokens = await exchange({ callback, code, options, cookieStore });
      await exchange({ callback, code, options, cookieStore });
      return NextResponse.redirect(new URL(redirect, BASE_URL));

    Create an integrate components

    Create a new folder in the root of your project called components, and create a new component within that folder called integrate.tsx.

    "use client";
    import { integrate, Provider } from "next-integrate";
    import Link from "next/link";
    import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
    import { AnchorHTMLAttributes } from "react";
    export default function Integrate({
      provider, // The provider defined in the auth.ts file
      name, // The name of the integration defined in the auth.ts file
      children, // The children of the component
      redirect, // Optional, the URL to redirect to after the integration
      className, // Optional, the class name of the component
      ...props // The rest of the props
    }: {
      provider: Provider;
      name: string;
      children?: React.ReactNode;
      redirect?: string;
      className?: string;
    } & AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>) {
      const pathname = usePathname(); // The current URL, to redirect back to after the integration
      // This function generates the integration URL, which is used in the Link component
      const integration = integrate({
        redirect: redirect || pathname,
        // base_path: "/something", The path to the integration route if it's different from the default: (api/auth/[...integration]/route.ts)
      return (
        <Link href={integration} className={className} {...props}>

    This component can be customized however you want, the integrate() function just returns a link to the API route:

    console.log(integration); // /api/auth/integration/google?name=google_calender&redirect=/dashboard

    You're all set!

    That's all the setup done, you can proceed by looking into making your first integration.